This week St. Laurence elementary school is administering TerraNova tests. TerraNova Assessments are a series of standardized tests that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia uses to measure student achievement in math, reading, and other core subjects. The test series is published by McGraw-Hill.
The TerraNova test is a standardized test used in many schools nationally, especially in private and Catholic schools. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Schools proudly finds that our students regularly score in the top 20% of TerraNovas each year. These assessments are comparable to the PSSA’s (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment) which are conducted by public schools in Pennsylvania.
These assessments are just one of the many tools we use to learn how our students are progressing toward standards, performing relative to their peers, and what instructional activities can help close achievement gaps. They provide us with important data that will assist us in keeping our students on pace with their class and in mastering appropriate grade-level skills.
TerraNova testing guidelines help with our understanding and evaluation of our curriculum and teachings based on state standards. Their results provide a benchmark of student performance and enhance classroom instruction as a whole in order to better a student learning.
Ways to Prepare Your Child for Terra Nova:
Our students preform much better on the TerraNova when they have the right environment and circumstances both at school and home.
Getting a good night’s sleep will definitely help your child to not feel groggy and to be focused in the morning. This might mean starting bedtime a little earlier or encouraging no screen time before bed.
Keeping structure and routine will help your child feel more in control and be better comforted in knowing what to expect. TerraNova testing may impact their normal school day and routine, therefore keeping a home routine in place will benefit your child greatly. Even something as simple as having your child lay out their school uniform the night before; can help to calm some anxiety.
Encouraging a positive attitude will also go a long way. Students are more motivated to do well when they have a positive outlook. Cheering them on and emphasizing that they do their best is a great way for them to start their testing day. Confidence makes all the difference in how students approach their testing booklets.